• ePoster viewing area on digital screens will be available in the venue during the conference days with dedicated viewing times during lunches and coffee breaks.
  • ePoster presenters will have designated time slots during breaks for their ePoster presentations. They are expected to stay at their assigned ePoster station during their allocated time slot to engage with participants, share their research, and answer potential questions. You can check the current E-Poster allocation slots here
    Important: we will not display physical posters!
  • ePosters may be prepared using PowerPoint, Word, InDesign, or other software but must be submitted as a one single PDF or image. It is recommended to use landscape orientation.
  • As an author, you have the option to enhance your ePoster by adding a video teaser lasting 2-3 minutes and or with a narration.. This video/narration can engage attendees and encourage them to explore your work further.
  • Make it easy to locate the specific sections (such as the background, methods, results, and conclusions).
  • Text and presentations should be in English only


Some ePoster have been assigned to have a ePoster(s) Short Presentation during the conference.

Each Short Presentation will have a 3-minutes oral presentation of the summary of the ePoster followed by 2 minutes for Q&A. 
For your presentation you may choose to use either your ePoster itself or a PowerPoint presentation, but please limit it to 3 slides. The slides or ePoster file should be uploaded in the speaker room at least half a day before your scheduled presentation time.


  • Log-in to the ePoster platform.
  • Select the ePoster from the and click the "+ Create " button.
  • Choose the type of file you would like to upload and click next.
  • Upload the file - Important note: wait until the platform shows 100% uploaded.
  • If you want to enhance your ePoster navigate to left menu to add video teaser, narration or change the background.
  • Press save to keep your changes and use preview button to see how the ePoster will be displayed in the Gallery.


To access this platform, you will need the email sent by our secretariat with your login details. If you did not receive it please contact us at


You can publish and update your ePoster(s) at any time. The platform offers four status options: draft, private, public, and on-site. For detailed information on publishing and status settings, please refer to the "Step by step guide".
Please remember to turn on the status to "PUBLIC" when you would like your ePoster to be visible in the ePoster Gallery (online and onsite).
While there is no specific deadline for publishing your ePoster, we encourage you to have it ready by the opening of the ePoster Gallery on November 30, 2023.

Step by step guide

You can download this detailed guide which includes screenshots.